everybody's so fake / saw you at daybreak /

in love by morning / you're still my sugar

about the song: I used to wonder how I would write songs once I was happy and in love, but it turns out the angst inside of me lives on. This is about feeling like everyone around you is fake and braindead, except for that one person who makes your heart skip and keeps you in bed all day kissing.

sounds like: 90s pop meets 2000s emo. Gwen/Alanis/Liz Phair meets Dashboard Confessional

fun fact: my girlfriend and I met when we were 17, and that has been my lucky number my whole life! it was fun to do an ode to that in the outro of this song, where I sing "oh I have loved you at every in between, yes we owe it all to my lucky 17"


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Press for You're Still My Sugar:

The 405 (Premiere), 3/2/17"Capturing the nuances and pure emotions of raw romance is a very tricky thing to distill down to a three minute song, but Ross does so with unmatched ease and joy. Everyone knows what it is like to find that one person who…

The 405 (Premiere), 3/2/17

"Capturing the nuances and pure emotions of raw romance is a very tricky thing to distill down to a three minute song, but Ross does so with unmatched ease and joy. Everyone knows what it is like to find that one person who doesn't suck quite as much as the rest, but few can express it with quite as much skill as Ross."

Wonky Sensitive, 3/2/17"an absolutely irresistible and hook-filled alt-rock gem which sounds like a cross between Liz Phair and Dashboard Confessional."

Wonky Sensitive, 3/2/17

"an absolutely irresistible and hook-filled alt-rock gem which sounds like a cross between Liz Phair and Dashboard Confessional."

Too Many Blogs UK, 3/8/17Described by a colleague as Avril Lavigne for the modern day, Maddie Ross has the intent, determination and all-round talent to be bigger and obviously better than our friend Avril.

Too Many Blogs UK, 3/8/17

Described by a colleague as Avril Lavigne for the modern day, Maddie Ross has the intent, determination and all-round talent to be bigger and obviously better than our friend Avril.