Give In To Me
I can be a little weak / you can make it hard to speak
about the song: this song is about having a big fat crush on my best friend. it contains all the usual crush stuff: the nerves, the daydreaming, the trying to subliminally communicate with her to make a move
sounds like: Meg Myers, Tancred, that scene 3/4 of the way through the movie where it's raining and the straight girl is riding the bus in a wet sweatshirt, listening to this on her headphones
fun fact: my first job out of college was working for Meg Myers and her producer/manager Andy Rosen. I spent almost every day for a year with the two of them, and learned so much. I budgeted an entire tour, handled day-to-day management stuff, and even sang backup vocals and did vocal editing on her first album! She's a huge musical influence on me, and I'm proud to be getting compared to her a lot with this song so far :)
another fun fact: right now, I think this is my favorite song on the ep/maybe my favorite song I've ever written!